Grand Honours – 2021






The following are the Cumberland and Westmorland Brethren and Companions who have been honoured to receive Appointments or Promotions within United Grand Lodge and Supreme Grand Chapter.
The list will include members who have received their preferment via another Province, but are still members of the Province of Cumberland and Westmorland.
First Appointments:
W Bro. Thomas Ronald Thexton Past Assistant Grand Registrar (PAGReg)
W Bro. John Fielding Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies (PAGDC)
W Bro. John Andrew Wrennall Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies (PAGDC)
Royal Arch
First Appointment:
E Comp. Thomas Hodgson Past Grand Standard Bearer (PGStdB)
E Comp. John William Robson (PGStdB) to Past Assistant Grand Sojourner (PAGSoj)
All appointments and promotions take effect from 28th April 2021.
Congratulations to all recipients.

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