Cumberland & Westmorland Freemasons

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Cumberland & Westmorland Freemasons – Building a
caring society
with Integrity
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Making Good Men Better.
Building a better society with Integrity

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One of the oldest social organisations in the world, Freemasonry is not defined by an ideology. It is open to people from all religions and political persuasions and provides the common foundation for friendships between members, many of which will last for life.

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With a membership of more than 200,000 people drawn from communities across the UK, Freemasonry brings people together irrespective of their race, religion or any other perceived differences that can divide us as a society.

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Whether participating in events, fundraising for a charitable cause or volunteering for public or community organisations, service is at the very heart of Freemasonry. Our members make valuable contributions by donating time, resources and skills.

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Want to join ? Just ask !

Thinking about joining us then please just ask us

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The website for the Province of Cumberland and Westmorland Freemasons. Learn about Freemasonry in our Cumbria, contact details, events and how to join

We are a unique members’ organisation of all ages, races, religions, cultures and backgrounds. We meet in our individual Lodges throughout the county, where we have ceremonial traditions which encourage us both to be more tolerant and respectful and actively to fulfil our civic and charitable responsibilities; we also make time to eat, drink and meet together, and form lifelong friendships.

The website for the Province of Cumberland and Westmorland Freemasons. Learn about Freemasonry in our Cumbria, contact details, events and how to join

We are a unique members’ organisation of all ages, races, religions, cultures and backgrounds. We meet in our individual Lodges throughout the county, where we have ceremonial traditions which encourage us both to be more tolerant and respectful and actively to fulfil our civic and charitable responsibilities; we also make time to eat, drink and meet together, and form lifelong friendships.

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