Invitation to the Presentation of a 4th Blood Bike

A presentation by the Province, of a brand new Yamaha FJR1300A motorcycle to “Blood Bikes Cumbria”, will take place at Cleator Moor Civic Hall & Masonic Centre on Saturday, 26th January 2019 at 2.00pm. Amongst the notable guests who have already confirmed their attendance are; the High Sheriff of Cumbria Mr Simon Berry, Mrs Judy Harrison Member of Parliament for Copeland, Mr Mike Starkey Mayor of Copeland, Mr Nick Ford Mayor of Cleator Moor and Mr David Farrell Chairman of the Chamber of Trade.

It is also an ideal opportunity to invite potential candidates along, to give them an insight and experience first hand, what Freemasonry is all about. This special occasion is also open to wives and partners who will be made most welcome. Early bookings will greatly assist the catering arrangements. You are all welcome to come and support our new Provincial Grand Master on this prestigious occasion. No other charitable event within our Province has attracted such public interest and attention, than that of our Brethren’s generosity for the Blood Bikes Charities. 

Tickets for this event are £7.50 and include a reception drink and canapés. Dress Code for Brethren & Companions – Morning Suit, Dark Suit, White Shirt, Provincial or Black Tie. Booking is essential, please use the booking form below.

2019 Invitation to Blood Bikes Presentation Booking Form 1


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