Royal Arch in Cumbria more information
Your development in Freemasonry
Development in Freemasonry is like building a jigsaw puzzle, having no idea what the final version of yourself will look like. You start working on each of the four corners almost immediately, Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft, Master Mason and then Royal Arch Chapter.
Everything you do adds a little piece to the puzzle. Sometimes pieces from different areas of the puzzle might affect each other, such as home and work life balance, lodge nights etc, but the point is that when you find that perfect piece that slots into the jigsaw and completes your image of Freemasonry, it should make the whole image brighter and better.
The Royal Arch plays a key part in this Jigsaw, completing your journey Pure and Ancient Masonry.
Brethren, if you are not already a member of the Royal Arch, please consider getting more information and adding to the completed Jigsaw.