Belted Will Lodge reaping the rewards of their Open Day

Belted Will Lodge No.3189 has recently benefitted from having an influx of new members. In the interests of raising the profile of their lodge in their local community, the Brethren of Belted Will Lodge decided to hold an open day. The Province’s Masonic roadshow trailer was borrowed and set up. While manning the roadshow trailer in the town centre, the Brethren spoke to members of the public about Freemasonry and showed those who were interested around their building. This resulted in the lodge gaining a number of new members. In addition to the new candidates, the Lodge has benefitted from a joining member who has become the Lodge Secretary.

 This week saw a special night at Belted Will Lodge with two Brethren being passed to the degree of a Fellowcraft. The lodge is now in an enviable position with four fellowcrafts waiting for their 3rd Degrees along with another nine candidates waiting to join. The Provincial Grand Master and the Deputy Provincial Grand Master attended the meeting and afterwards congratulated the Worshipful Master and Brethren for a first class degree telling the Brethren “it is looking good for Belted Will Lodge”.

The Masonic roadshow trailer is available for any lodge to use at local events. If any lodge would like to promote themselves and attract some new members as Belted Will have done, please contact the Deputy Provincial Grand Master or the Provincial Membership Officer

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