Bob Nicholson of Kenlis Lodge s hoping to run to every masonic building within the province. This is approximately 290 miles. He is hoping to complete the run over the next 5 months. Pictured below, is Bob stopping off at the Cleator Moor Civic Hall and masonic centre for a well-earned rest and this was an opportunity for our Deputy Provincial Grand Master to get a photo taken with Bob and congratulate him on a fantastic achievement. Bob is raising funds for Masonic Charities, we wish him the best of luck!
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Last night Lewis Lodge carried out an explanation of the 1st degree tracing board. Although the weather was terrible, it didn’t stop 15 visitors from 7 lodges including our friends over the border and joining us for one of the best nights and festive boards of the year. As these photos show the festive board was in full swing and very well attended.
News / By Guy Newbold