Brother, Arthur Broadly Turner 50 years certificate

On Friday 4th October 2019, the Master and members of Derwentwater Lodge, together with many visitors, gathered to celebrate 50 years in Freemasonry of their highly respected and valued Brother, Arthur Broadly Turner. Brother Arthur joined Cricketers Lodge in Northumberland in 1969 and is renown in that Province and ours for his signing repertoire, a skill which he continues to this day.                                                                                              In a lovely gesture, the Master of Derwentwater Lodge ‘called off’ Lodge business to allow Arthurs wife and daughter to be present in the Lodge room while W. Bro. Keith Beaumont, Ass. Prov. Grand Master delivered a superb verbal tribute.

The proceedings were followed by a typical Keswick dinner, in the company of Arthur’s wife and daughter. A evening of profit and pleasure in every respect.

The photo is of Arthur accompanied by his wife and daughter.


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