Following a visit to the North Lakes Food Bank in Cockermouth, (arranged by W Bro Ian Turner). The Group Chairmen of the West Cumbria Group and South West Cumbria Group of Lodges (W Bro Dave Bowden and W Bro Stan Moffat with W Bro Ken Archer and W Bro Jeff Kaine) were shown the invaluable work carried out, distributing food throughout Allerdale and Copeland where there is genuine food poverty. Dave Bowden said “It is quite hard for many of us to imagine that there is food poverty in West Cumbria, we were told that some 4000 adults and, sadly, 2000 children received help in the last 12 months. The fact this programme is carefully screened, with vouchers issued to highlight genuine cases, and that this food is never provided indefinitely, only highlights the problem. As freemasons, this is a quick and very effective way to demonstrate our caring, but more importantly to offer genuine help to those less fortunate than ourselves, particularly at this time of year.
The Group Chairmen wrote to their Lodges to ask for help in donating non-perishable goods to this worthy cause. In response, the Lodges donated over 40 bags of food, including the West Cumberland Lodge of Installed Masters who kindly donated their charity collection of £81.00 to purchase food. On Friday 21st December, the food was delivered for distribution by the food bank (pictured above).