Eden Lodge No.2285 donates £500 to prostrate cancer research

Pictured L to R, W Bro Brian Aldersey with his IPM         W Bro Brian Taylor after his installation meeting.

W Bro Brian Aldersey became the worshipful master of Eden Lodge No.2285 for a second time at their November meeting. Twenty years ago, when Brian was first in the chair, Brian’s Junior Warden was W Bro Dennis Warwick. Sadly, two years ago, W Bro Warwick lost his battle with prostate cancer. Following a talk given by  W Bro Tony Armstrong (also of Eden Lodge but in the Province of Durham) at the installation meeting, Brian decided the proceeds of the charity collection should be donated to research on Prostrate cancer. On the 6th December, Brian, his wife Pamela and his friend W Bro Tony Armstrong visited the Centre of life at Newcastle University. During the visit, he presented a cheque for £500 to Dr Jennifer Munkley in the memory of the late W Bro Dennis Warwick. Following the presentation, they were given a tour of the laboratories and an overview of their research into Prostrate Cancer by Dr Munkley and Prof Elliott (Head of the department in Genetic research).  During Lodge visits, Brian often gives a short talk on Prostate Cancer awareness.

Pictured L to R, Lab Assistant, W Bro Brian Aldersey, Dr Munkley, W Bro Tony Armstrong of Eden Lodge No.8162, and Pamela Aldersey (wife).
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