Cleator Moor Civic Hall and Masonic Centre helps run the 15th Christmas Charity Initiative

The Cleator Moor Civic Hall and Masonic Centre were delighted to have provided the venue for the distribution of the Christmas day meals hampers and gifts for those who are alone and isolating themselves.

One of the volunteers delivering a hamper and gifts.

The masonic centre attracted the help and involvement of other groups including the Lions, Inner Wheel, Age Concern, Rotary and Soroptmists.

These groups were delighted to have been working with us in making this an annual event, this year was the 15th year we collaborated our resources. 

Some of the volunteers helping sort and distribute the hampers and gifts.

In total over 200 meals, hampers and gifts were delivered.

The assistance given  by local Freemasons in helping and organising has been invaluable in making this annual event so successful.

Pictured below are the brethren who have given their help year after year.

The Provincial Junior Grand Warden Jeff Kane, Ken Archer, Charles Moores and Group Chairman David Bowden.





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