E Companion Derek Jefferson of Belted Will Royal Arch Chapter No 3189 with his certificates for membership of the Royal Arch for 50 years

On 8t h October our Deputy Grand Superintendent, Glyn Titterington presented E Companion Derek Jefferson of Belted Will Royal Arch Chapter No 3189 with his certificates for membership of the Royal Arch for 50 years. This was presented at his home in Walton near Brampton as Derek struggles with his mobility.

Glyn was accompanied by myself both as 3rd Provincial Grand Principal and as a member of Belted Will Chapter, and E Companion Ron Cameron also of Belted Will Chapter ( Past 2nd PrGPrincipal). Both of us are friends of Derek and his wife Linda, who took the Photograph.

Derek is originally an East Lancs Mason and incidentally will celebrate 60 years in the Craft last January.

From Allan Cathers.

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