Egremont Masonic Hall Open day report

Egremont Masonic Hall open day was held on Saturday 31st August, which tuned out to be one of the sunniest days in recent months. This however did not deter the a good turnout of members to assist on the day, which was organised by the Building Committee, headed by W.Bros Alan Mossop, Secretary , Bob Nicholson, Chairman, John Moffat & David Batty, and a number of other building members.

The building opened at 10am, and for the first hour things were very quiet, then suddenly members of the public started to turn up, which started making all the effort worth while. Notably a Brother from the south of the country had moved to the area and is looking for a Lodge to join, a potential candidate for Copeland Lodge came to say hello, and a few curious people were made welcome and shown around the building and treated to coffee and biscuits.

The attitude of the organising committee is that this positively can built on for the next open day, which can only be beneficial to all the Orders that meet at Egremont Masonic Hall.

Photo left to right, Bob Nicholson, John Moffat, Alan Mossop, David Batty & Trevor Partridge (Secretary of Copeland Lodge)

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