Lewis Lodge members ‘zoom’ into the 21st century

Despite the current difficult circumstances that we all find ourselves in, another group of C&W brethren recently took the opportunity for some online fellowship.

The brethren of Lewis Lodge No 872 have been keeping in regular touch with each other via Facebook and email but they took it one stage further recently on their regular Lodge night.  Instead of the first degree they would have been conferring under normal circumstances, the medium of Zoom gave them the opportunity for a catch up and some fraternal banter.  The approach had been trialed a week previously with a handful of members and, in future gatherings, they hope to expand numbers.   It also gave the opportunity to link in one brother who now resides in Spain: unfortunately, due to technical glitches, he could be seen but not heard!   All agreed that the “meeting” – which was fully in compliance with Grand Lodge’s guidance – had been a success.  Keeping spirits up is so important at this time and any opportunity for interaction is a positive.

Many Lodges appear to be embracing such technology during the lockdown.  Who knows  could this lead to virtual fraternal visits?

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