MCF Visiting Volunteer Vacancy’s

Message from W.Bro Stan Moffa,t Provincial Grand Almoner

MCF Visiting Volunteer Vacancy’s

Visiting Volunteers (VV’s) were introduced by the Masonic Charitable Foundation (MCF) in January 2017 and, following suitable training, four VV’s and myself were officially appointed in October 2017 to serve the Province of Cumberland and Westmorland. To this end the Province was basically divided into 4 quarters, Northeast, Southeast, Northwest and Southwest with myself as a ‘floating’ reserve.

The role of the VV is to visit anyone seeking help from the MCF and help them complete the necessary application form so that the MCF receives all the relevant information they need to assess and evaluate the application and any subsequent grant. Visits are allocated according to the post code of the applicant.

Currently one of the appointed VV’s is unavailable for 2-3 months due to a health issue and any visits in his area need to be covered by other VV’s and myself and this has highlighted an issue with travelling time taken to visit an applicant, a 3 hour return journey in some cases. I am therefore considering adding a 5th VV to the team to address this problem. The area covered by the new VV would basically encompass the Silloth-Carlisle-Brampton area (CA1 to CA8 post code areas). NB It is worth noting that VV’s are reimbursed for reasonable out of pocket expenses, i.e. fuel costs.

In addition the VV that covers the southwest part of the Province is looking to re-locate to the east of the Province which will likewise causes unacceptable travel issues so I need a replacement for his area which is basically from Whitehaven to Millom (CA18 to CA25, CA27 and LA18 to LA20 post codes).

If you live in or adjacent to either of the areas outlined above and would be interested in becoming a Visiting Volunteer, or you would like more information on VV’s, please get in touch with me using any of the contact details noted below.

More information on Visiting Volunteers can also be found on the MCF website at, just look under the Freemasons and Families heading.

The MCF ‘Equality and Diversity Policy’ ensures everyone can, and is encouraged, to apply and can be viewed on the website previously mentioned.

Stan Moffat Provincial Grand Almoner

Email: Phone: 01946-821630 or 07740-468965


20-02-02 VV Website Vacancy Advert

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