PGOrganist gives a talk at the Westmorland Lodge of Installed Masters

It was the meeting of Westmorland Lodge of Installed Masters on Friday when the Guest Speaker was W. Bro. Christopher Stokes PGOrg.

Brother Stokes gave a resume of his school life when he was a pupil at the Masonic Boys School.

One of his tutors was W Bro. Alan White, who is the worshipful master of Westmorland Lodge of Installed Masters.

Following his talk, Bro Stokes gave a short recital of organ music which was well received, Bro Stokes is the Master of Music and Organist at Manchester Cathedral.

Grand Officers who attended the lodge meeting: W Bro. John Robson, PAGDC., W Bro. Eric Holmes, PAGDC. W Bro. Christopher Stokes, PGO, W. Bro Alan White, WM., R.W. Bro. Norman J Thompson, DL., PProvGM and W. Bro. David Holland, PAGDC.


A great night of friendship and freemasonry

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