The June meeting of Sun and Sector Lodge No.962 saw W Bro Carl Hodgson proclaimed as Worshipful Master and begin a second year in office. The charity collection on the night raised £240. Carl had decided the recipient of the funds raised should be Prostrate Cancer Research as his father had died of prostate cancer in 2006. Before the charity collection, W Bro Brian Aldersey of Eden Lodge told those present at the festive board about the excellent work being carried out by Prostrate Cancer Research in Newcastle. The Sun & Sector Social Committee decided to put £260.00 to the donation making it £500.00 in total. W Bro John Wilkins, W Bro Dougie Hunter, W Bro Gordon Clarke, and Carl travelled over to the research centre on Wednesday 3rd of July to present the cheque. After receiving the cheque from Carl, Dr Jennifer Munkley told them “This will make a big difference to our work and it also means a lot to us that you are so supportive of our prostate cancer research. It was great to meet you all and I hope you enjoyed seeing the lab”.
