W. Bro. Tom Fawcett’s 50 year certificate presentation

On Saturday the 9th October 2021, W. Bro. Tom Fawcett, a Past Master of Beacon Lodge No 6202 received his 50 years of Freemasonry certificate at his home in Blencowe, near Penrith. The certificate presentation was delayed due to the various Covid restrictions, and Tom elected to have it presented at his home in Blencowe, near Penrith. W.Bro Glyn Titterington presented the certificate, accompanied by W.Bro John Todd, Worshipful Master of Beacon Lodge. Tom is still active in his Lodge and Chapter and has served Freemasonry superbly during his 51 years of membership.


Congratulations to Tom, from everyone in the Province of Cumberland and Westmorland on your magnificent achievement! We all wish you many more happy years in the craft, especially in Beacon Lodge.

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