On Saturday 18th May the Lodge of Friendship No. 8275, hosted the annual meeting of Friendship Lodges from all over English Constitution. The is event held each year in different Provinces around the country and this years meeting was held in Cleator Moor. Brethren from Friendship Lodges attend from far and wide with some travelling from as far a field as Plymouth. W. Bro. J. Kane PPGReg, welcomed the visitors with each of the visiting Lodges being formally introduced into the Lodge. The Deputy Provincial Grand Master W. Bro. William Henry Morley BEM PSGD was also in attendance. There then followed a talk on The Roman Army in Cumbria, by W.Bro. Joseph Jackson ProvGStb, who in full Roman military kit spoke about how Cumbria had once been one of the most important military zones of the Roman Empire, the talk was well received by all present.
The meeting was followed by a very enjoyable festive board of excellent servings of roast beef. The day was enjoyed by all and the visitors went on their way with a very favourable impression of Freemasonry in Cumberland & Westmorland.