Another year commences in the life of Brigantes Lodge, with the installation of W. Bro. Wilson Alvar Duncan Thorn, PPSGD(Worcs) on Saturday 2 March 2019. The ceremony was conducted by the outgoing Master, W. Bro. Andrew Moore, PAGDC. Andrew’s command of Masonic ritual is well known and this installation was carried out in his usual excellent manner.
Prior to the installation ceremony, however, another very important ceremony was carried out. Brother David Charles Bloomfield, Past Provincial Grand Master for the Masonic Province of Kilwinning, under the Grand Lodge of Scotland and a past master of Lodge Mother Kilwinning No. 0 on the Roll of the Grand Lodge of Scotland, had applied to become a joining member of Brigantes Lodge. David has played a very important part in the close relationship between Lodge Mother Kilwinning and Brigantes Lodge over a period of fifteen years and it is fitting that after all those years, he should join Brigantes.
After a successful ballot, Brother Bloomfield was admitted into the lodge, where he was accosted by the Tyler, W. Bro. Ralph Hutchings. “Have you a carrot for the Tyler’s Goat?” asked the Tyler and Brother Bloomfield dutifully produced one, much to the amusement and delight of those present. Then, seriously, the Tyler asked, “Have you a Pound for the Tyler?” Again David produced £1.00 and placed it upon the blade of the Tyler’s sword. It was then explained the reason for the request and the coin was deposited with the Treasurer.
The meeting was attended by W. Bro. Bill Morley, DepProvGM and the ritual and ceremonial which he was witnessing was, I suspect, quite new to him.
Then the main business of the afternoon commenced. W. Bro. Wilson Alvar Duncan Thorn, Senior Warden and Master Elect was examined on his proficiency in the third degree and retired from the lodge. A board of installed masters was opened and W. Bro. Thorn was re-admitted. After being presented, he was installed in the Chair of King Solomon in full and antient form, in the manner accustomed in Brigantes Lodge.
After the installation, the officers were appointed and after other items of business were conducted, the lodge was closed.
At the festive board, W. Bro. Thorn took centre seat at the top table and all present enjoyed a splendid four course dinner which was appropriate to the occasion.
Once again, Brigantes Lodge showed the visitors what good ritual is all about, although it has to be said, it was not a short ceremony!
W.Bro. Bill Morley clearly enjoyed the afternoon and evening and he remarked that he had never seen anything quite like our installation ceremony. That was probably the understatement of the day!