Whitwell Lodge 1390 held a Charity Evening following the regular lodge meeting on Tuesday 26 February in support of W Brother Joe Sudhakar and his work in connection with his overseas charity work in Ghana. Brother Sudhakar is a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon and travels to Ghana each year with a group of other surgeons and nursing staff where they carry out orthopaedic procedures on people of all ages.
Brother Sudhakar gave an illustrated talk about his work, some of the pictures were rather distressing and made all in attendance grateful for our own National Health Service.
The members of Whitwell Lodge were supported at the event by their friends and families together with members from Huddleston Lodge and other lodges.
The proceeds from the buffet supper which had been prepared and provided by Mrs Bullock the wife of the Worshipful Master together with the proceeds of the raffle raised £755.00 and this was presented to Brother Sudhakar by the Worshipful Master.

A number of friends who supported the event were members of the Millom Folk Dancing Society who meet at the Masonic Hall on most Tuesdays and Right Worshipful Brother Norman J Thompson, DL on their behalf presented a further £50.00 this being the money raised from the sale of refreshments at their meetings.
Prior to the lodge meeting, the Worshipful Master of Huddleston Lodge 6041, Bro. Garry Patton presented Right Worshipful Brother Norman J Thompson, DL with a beautifully inscribed silver salver in recognition of his dedicated service as Provincial Grand Master and Grand Superintendent for over 10 years.