Ian’s Marathon Walk for Lifelites


In July, the Assistant PGM, Ian D’Arcy was due to lead the Brethren of Cumberland and Westmorland and their family members across Morecambe Bay on what has now became an annual ‘Cross Bay Walk’ to raise money for local charities. However, due to the Coronavirus crisis, this year’s walk was cancelled. Undeterred and being unwilling to let the Brethren and family members down who had kindly sponsored him. Ian undertook a challenge of walking the equivalent of a marathon, which would equate to crossing Morecambe Bay 5 times over the Easter period. Observing the Government restrictions about only leaving home once for daily exercise, he made full use of his time to clock up the miles on the highways and byways around his home. 

Ian (keeping dry with his umbrella) during the 2019 Cross Bay Walk

Over the four day Easter break the Assistant PGM, accompanied by his wife, Heather, smashed his original target and walked the equivalent of 7 crossings of Morecambe Bay, a remarkable 35 miles in total.  Ian would like to thank all those who sponsored him and Heather for keeping him supplied with sweets and drinks along the way.

This year the chosen Charity being supported is Lifelites.

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