Dear Bro Secretary/Scribe E,
As the Suspension of our Masonic meetings continue towards what will be a year since the first National Lockdown and the subsequent Suspension of meetings announced by UGLE/SGC.
I’m aware that many Lodges and Chapters across our Province have been meeting regularly using video conferencing facilities such as Zoom, which has allowed Brethren to continue to meet on a regular basis, albeit not face to face. There have been Zoom quiz nights organised, bingo nights, Solomon nugget nights and I’m aware that our Provincial Grand Secretary has joined his mother Lodge for Whisky tasting and Cheese and Port tasting evenings.
Brethren, if your Lodge has been holding such Zoom social meetings, I would encourage you to record these events as part of your Lodge/Chapter history during what has been an unprecedented year. These records could be included in or attached to your Lodge/Chapter Minutes, so that future generations will be able to look back and read what our Lodges and Chapters did during the pandemic.
Brethren, please continue to stay safe, and I look forward to joining you at Lodge meetings once we’re finally through this pandemic and meetings can recommence.
Yours sincerely and fraternally
William H Morley BEM
Past Grand Sword Bearer
Deputy Provincial Grand Master